59S Giveaway "Take it home" | win P14 sterilizing mommy bag

P14 sterilizing mommy bag

Hey 59S Fans,

It is really glad to see you again! Today's theme of September Giveaway is "Take it home".

Then which one? Yes, most of you choose the Sterilizing mommy bag P14.

  • Outdoor professional sterilization bag for feeding bottles
  • Reduce milky smell
  • sterile storage
  • Protable for travel
  • Easy to use, one click to go

Just neet to leave a comment here with #59SP14, there is a chance to win!


  1. Comment #59SP14, you can like and share it to your facebook with hashtag #S59SP14
  2. Every 100 comments will choose one winner(up to 10 pcs)
  3. Follow 59S Facebook
  4. We will announce the winners on 9.17(17th September) here and facebook.

Good luck to all of you!